no matter your clinical needs, anydish is here to help you enjoy food and feel your best
We believe a healthier world starts with smart eating. And smart eating starts with personalization. That's why we give health professionals and individuals access to a broad array of recipe choices, tailored specifically to one's complex clinical needs and culinary preferences. We offer Providers, Payers, and Employers an intuitive platform for better nutritional care at scale, resulting in more efficient practices, healthier workspaces, and happier people.


In one way or another, many of us had a set of health conditions (or a family member that did) and were disappointed when it came to the food component of treatment. There simply weren't enough healthy choices that were clinically adherent, tasted good, and were easily accessible. After much research, and realizing the need was even more prevalent than initially understood, we came together to problem-solve... and anydish was born!

Empowering professionals with a simple, time-saving and innovative platform that
delivers healthy, delicious and personalized food solutions to meet their clients' complex nutritional needs.

Core Values
We challenge the status-quo, offering the highest quality user experience. Our teamwork is enriched by diversity and anchored in a strong sense of trust, community, and accountability.

We recognize that there's more than one way to crack an egg–ours is upbeat, driven by the energy of people who enjoy (and believe in) what they do.
meet our partners
Next October

FIona Trup UK Partner
Steven Schindler

Culinary Arts Inc.
How do I change my preferences?Go to Profile>Dietary preferences>Edit diet.
How does anydish calculate the nutritional values of recipes?Our calculations are based on USDA published data, and from other branded global databases. There is a portion converter, sourced by the USDA, that defines grams and other measures per serving for each ingredient. For example, one cup of pecans is 109g. We then utilize a nutrition table specific to each ingredient, containing all known nutrients per 100g of a givent ingredient. For example, if a recipe includes a ½ cup of pecans, we convert it to grams (in this case 54.5 grams) and calculate the nutrients accordingly.
How can I switch between Metric and Imperial units of measure?The measurement system is pre-set by your device location; however, you can change it: Go to Profile> Units and select Metric or Imperial.
What is DRI?DRI stands for Dietary Reference Intakes. This measure represents the percentage of the intake of nutrients of a given recipe (according to the portion selected) compared to daily nutrient intake requirements as established by the National Academy of Sciences. DRI is widely relied upon by health professionals, clients, and consumers globally to ensure adequate nutrients are consumed daily.
What is the recipe's Match percentage based on?Whether you or your health professional configured your nutritional profile, our Match engine integrates all preferences and restrictions into your profile and shows recipes according to their percentage value, highest on top. We score recipes based on your "Preferred" selections, and do not display those that don't meet your “Required” selections or that contain foods marked as “Excluded” in your profile. For example, if your profile is configured with Required Low Calories and Excludes potatoes, only low-calorie recipes will be shown and no recipes with potatoes will appear. When a nutrient is not marked as “Required” it is treated (by default) as a “Preferred” nutrient. The same goes for “Included” foods. Preferred nutrients and Included foods simply influence the recipe's Match percentage score. For example, where Vitamin C is marked as High (Preferred by default) or where the Include list contains avocado, recipes meeting those selected preferences will get a higher Match percentage than without them; yet it does not mean that all recipes shown will necessarily include avocado or be High with Vitamin C. The Match percentage score details can be viewed by selecting the icon to the right of the percentage.
When I use the search filters, will my preferences change?When applying filters or select a category (e.g., Main dish, Breakfast) you only modify your current search, and your set preferences otherwise remain in place.
I sometimes get a message “No results found…” when I search for a recipe. What can I do?This is rare, but it may mean your profile includes too many nutritional restrictions or excluded foods. We advise you to reduce the number of restrictions or excluded foods and try again.
How do I save a recipe?On the top right side of the recipe there’s a bookmark icon. Tap it and the recipe will be saved in the “Saved” tab. Want to remove it? Tap the same icon and it will be removed.
How do I use the Food tab?The Food tab includes different categories such as “Fish,” “Fruit,” and “Greens.” Selecting one of these categories will present many relevant food items (as opposed to recipes), along with their nutritional values and related comparison tools.
How can I check which foods are good for me?If your profile includes micro or/and macronutrients, you may search and sort any food items (in the Food tab) according to one of your assigned nutrients by selecting it from the filter icon at the top-right. If for example your profile calls for “more Vitamin C” and you are looking in the “Fruit” list, available fruits will appear and be sorted from highest Vitamin C amount to lowest. You may see a change in border color for each food in the list, reflecting your profile preferences (see below for more on our color coding system).
What is the meaning of the Green, Red, Orange and Gray food border colors?Green means a food item is good for you, e.g., a profile that includes “more Vitamin C” will show food items high in Vitamin C as green. Foods marked in Orange should be limited in your diet. Red foods are those you should avoid all together, e.g., if your profile is set for “Dairy free,” milk and cheese items will be colored red. When a food does not meet a nutritional requirement it appears Gray; an example here would be a food measuring under 9g of protein with a profile set for Preferred "High Protein." You can also use our “Compare this food with” feature in the Food tab, to research alternative food choices.
How can I delete my account?We'll be sad to see you leave but in case you decide to delete your account, you can find this option inside the profile screen. All of your user details will be permanently deleted, unless your nutritional recommendations were set by your practitioner, in that case it will be deleted in compliance with HIPPA & GDPR laws.